iPACT symposium @ FIP: the iPACT guideline!
iPACT will present the iPACT guideline on the FIP congress in Seoel. The Symposium is chaired by Sotiris Antoniou, chair of iPACT and will focus on the importance of this guideline and the implementation in daily practice.
Venue: Congress hall: Room 208, lunch provided
Preliminary program:
12h15: Introduction to iPACT, a unique network of pharmacists motivated to improve patient care.
Who are we and what initiatives do we take? Sotiris Antoniou
12h40: Understanding the needs of pharmacists in managing anticoagulation.
Does the continent you work in mean your needs are different? John Papastergiou
12h55: Supporting the needs of pharmacists to improve pharmaceutical outcomes.
Presentation of iPACT guideline through case based discussion. Bart Van den Bemt
13h10: Warfarin management in community pharmacy.
Application of iPACT guideline. Dale Griffiths
13.25 The integral role of pharmacies in early detection of atrial fibrillation.
What can you do? Filipa Alves da Costa
13h40: Discussion
14h0: Closure